India Needs to Stop the Bleeding From Canada Killing
India Needs to Stop the Bleeding From Canada Killing Rather than simply denying involvement, the government should cooperate as publicly as it can in the investigation of the murder of a Sikh activist. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s dramatic statement in parliament that there were “credible allegations” Indian intelligence was behind the murder of a radical Sikh activist in British Columbia came as a shock to many in India for a couple of reasons. For one thing, most of us still believe that we’re the good guys and our government doesn’t do this kind of thing. More importantly, if India actually did conduct an assassination on Western soil — which its foreign ministry strongly denies — it would represent a pretty major escalation of the country’s covert struggle against both non-violent dissidents and active supporters of militant separatism abroad. Even the most fervent supporters of the government’s muscular approach to foreign polic...